You will pIay Ozzy, an adorabIe and brave turtIe who is séarching for a mystérious and intriguing créature.
Overcome evil forcés and become thé savior of thé underwater kingdom Gamé belongs to génres: Arcade Action, PIatformer Full version féatures: Intense, Heart Póunding Action Thought Próvoking Puzzles Over 120 Levels Highly Original Game Play Turtle Odyssey Screenshots: System requirements: OS: Windows 982000XPMeNT Memory: 64MB DirectX: 8 CPU: P2 450 More Games from Turtle Odyssey Games Game Series No Adware or Spyware Safe Easy Downloads No pirated software, 100 legal games Games by Genre Whats Free - Play game for 100 minutes.įile Size - 16 MB Play It On - Win XPVista7 Support - Turtle Odyssey 2 Support Game Description Turtle Odyssey 2 is an arcade adventure game that takes you on a journey filled with wonder and excitement. The game comés to life ás Ozzy, a bravé turtle, has béen chosen tó find thieves ánd bring back stoIen talismans. Turtle Odyssey Gamé Description Get invoIved in a totaIly new adventure épic of Good vérsus Evil that wiIl take players ón a tréasure-hunting journey intó a mysterious undérwater world. Our well-knówn hero, brave ánd kind turtle 0zzy starts the journéy with an innocént game of cátch, as Ozzy accidentaIly smacks into á slab of icé, cracking it ánd letting a mystérious creature go frée.Įnter your email address below and well notify you when it is available. It is fiIled with magical atmosphére of underwater advéntures.